Around The World Cuisine

Around The World Cuisine

Pizza, Soup, Rice, Fried foods, they all started somewhere. Every country has cuisine that they specialize in. Usually, these foods are originated due to the food sources available in that region. Whether it is a common animal used for a meat source, herbs or spices indigenous to a country or certain produce able to be grown in that area, all fare will have evidence of the culture, climate and country of the people that created it.

There are a lot of different foods that I would never dream of eating. In this article I will be taking 3 different countries and telling you the food their famous for, and also some interesting dishes you may have never heard of.

Mexico- Mexico is known for using a lot of corn, beans, and rice in their dishes. Corn tortillas and tortilla chips -which were actually invented in Los Angeles but Mexico is known for- and refried beans are some of the few ways they use these ingredients. Enchiladas, Tacos, and Burritos use these items as well. Mexican rice, which consists of tomatoes, white rice, chicken broth and other ingredients is another very popular dish among the Mexicans.

Italy- Italy known for its comfort food, abundance of olive oil and family dining specializes in dishes using pastas, pizza and deliciously rich and satisfying desserts. Pasta comes in many shapes and sizes, and usually has the same basic elements including eggs, salt, olive oil, and either white flour or semolina flour, which makes the dough more elastic and easier to shape into things. The more famous pasta dishes are Spaghetti, Fettuccini Alfredo, Tortellini, Lasagna, and Manicotti. The basic pizza is a flat round bread with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and toppings. One of the many benefits of pizza is the toppings, it can vary depending on your taste and the possibilities are endless. There are many Italian pastries include Tiramisu, Torta Di Mele  (which is like a moist apple pie), and Biscotti’s. These are just a few of the many delicious foods in Italy.

France- France is known for their amazing delicacies, and most consider their food more as an art. Crepe’s is the thin, more delicate version of a pancake, and can be topped with just about anything. From fresh strawberries and melted chocolate to ham and cheese, this delicious French pancake never fails to impress. French bread, also known as Baguettes, is one of the best breads you can have especially when fresh. Pain Au Chocolat is a buttery flakey pastry, with a swirl of chocolate in the inside. This delicious dessert is very well known throughout France and is amazing straight from the oven. The last food on my list is croissants, this delicious pastry is served in many countries but none seem to get it as buttery and flakey as France does.

Japan- Noodles, sushi, but mainly rice, are the most common foods in Japan. Rice noodles, Sesame noodles, and Cucumber noodles. These are the top three pastas in Japan that are used in their dishes. Japan is also known for serving the pasta cold in salads. Sushi is a very famous food served in Japan, the ingredients consist of Rice, and fish (either cooked, or raw), which are then wrapped in seaweed. Rice is a big part of Japans food culture. They’ll eat rice plain, or mix in a raw egg, there’s rice curry, sushi, donburi, fried rice (chahan), and Chazuke, there are many different dishes.

These are just a few of the many countries all over the world, and just a few of the many cultures and their foods. Most countries just eat what they have to survive, and don’t have such fancy dishes. But they still use their creativity and add ingredients together to make a flavorful meal.

Food is a main part of our world and it’s what makes other countries their own.